Immune Boosting Skincare Tips
Boost your immune system while keeping your skin glowing! Discover easy tips like dry brushing, gua sha, lymphatic drainage exercises, herbal teas, and heat therapies to nourish your skin and body this winter. From detox baths to facial massages, our guide is packed with natural self-care ideas and product recommendations to elevate your routine. Glow from the inside out!

Amy’s Fall Skin Routine!
I get asked quite a bit which Liferoot products I personally use… or do I use them at all or all of them at once? haha. I don’t think there would be enough time in the day for that. I DO believe in rotating products according to your skin type and the season, and have seen great results in people when they just switch products. Your body and skin like variety!

Be Sun Resilient, Eat Your Sunscreen, & Throw The Toxic Tube Away
Human beings evolved and thrived under the sun. Sunlight was a constant in people’s lives, warming and guiding them through the days and seasons. Cultures spent the bulk of our history outside, mostly naked with very little covering. Skin was the primary interface with the world. Melanin & Eumelanin (protective pigments in the skin) would react with UV light and make the skin darker and more resilient to the sun. The skin would thicken in appearance, protecting the body if need be.

Liferoot Creative Process - How We Formulate New Products
One of my favorite things to do at Liferoot is to create new products. Curious about how we develop new botanicals? Learn more here.

Toner & Hyaluronic Acid, Essential for Aging Skin?
Frequently asked questions about toner & hyaluronic acid and how they support aging skin.

Rosacea Lifestyle Tips & Helpful Herbs
When I was 23, I was given a spa gift certificate for my birthday. I remember the spa, very ornamental and zen, quite fancy and I wasn’t a fancy gal. They proceeded to break out all the facial things (keep in mind I had never had a facial before).

Gua Sha Face & Body Regimen
Gua Sha is a wonderful balancing technique for the skin & physique. This practice brings increased circulation to the skin, thus helping in the renewal of skin cells. Perfect For: Skin balance, improving circulation, encouraging renewal of skin cells, nervous system support, improving collagen production.

Non-Toxic Glossary & Label Guide
Did you know that your personal care and home products (from shampoo to antibacterial wipes to makeup) contain carcinogenic ingredients, neurotoxins, endocrine disruptors and allergens that could be hazardous to your health?

Understanding and Hacking Your Skins Sleep Cycle
Sleep and a nighttime beauty routine might not seem like they go together, but they do! And when you get both working effectively, things can really change on the inside and out!

8 Summer Beauty Tips (and we aren’t just talking about looks)
Many of my clients find they end up feeling depleted, sun scorched, and their skin agitated and wrung-out in the summer. So here are a few tips to keep your beauty shining bright on the in and outs!

Happy Hands ~ Soap, Hand Sanitizer, Do’s, Don’ts & Recipes!
Liferoot now carries hand sanitizer! So you all know my love for all things natural, tree-hugging and herbal. But I have a hard time getting behind a hand-sanitizer that contains nothing but essential oils and water. There are several natural hand-sanitizers out there that may not be working for you and your family, so please use safe judgment before using.

Dry Skin Brushing
Skin brushing exfoliates and brings increased circulation to the skin, thus helping in the renewal of skin cells. The benefits of dry skin brushing are more than just skin deep.

Healing Bath Soaks (with recipes!)
Over the bathtub in our backhouse we have a small blue sign that says, “When all else fails, take a bath.” That phrase has definitely rung true with our family, because a bath makes you feel so much better. If you’re sick, sad, need a rest, need a detox, if it’s a full moon, feeling like the world is caving in on you, whatever…

DIY Sugar Scrub (several scents & variations)
Sugar scrub is invigorating & exfoliates your skin… as well as moisturizes the heck out of it. AND…it has an intoxicating aroma that leaves your skin feeling soft & amazing.

What is your skin eating?

Eat your Sun Screen? Foods for Sun Protection
Some extra sun protection can be supported by the food you consume and even foods you apply on your body…