Beauty Ceremony

Find sanctuary in complete self-care as we adorn your outer temple and restore your inner temple, using all of your senses in a ceremony to honor who you are Divinely created to be.

Kyle, Texas

There is limitless energy and beauty within each of us, but it has been buried and pushed away by the endless to do lists, all of the distractions and notifications of our lives.

Beauty Ceremony takes self-care to a new level, a way to express natural beauty in all of its facets--in your mind, body and soul. A truly relaxing and restorative experience.

Included in a Beauty Ceremony:

  • 30 Minute Pre-Consult- This is your time to chat about where you are at, and what you need to facilitate where you desire to be. This can be nutritional, herbal, beauty/skincare, etc. The meeting can be over zoom, email, phone, etc.

  • 1.5 hour Ceremony- A skin care & self-care retreat at the Liferoot Apothecary. Plan to arrive 15 min before ceremony to prep. See details of all that is involved below.

  • Tailored Skin Care Products- All skincare products used in the ceremony are new at start of ceremony and are yours to keep (this is $100 value).

  • Post Consult Check-In- This is done via email 😊

There is a deep beauty within each person. Modern culture is obsessed with cosmetic perfection. Beauty is standardized; it has become another product for sale. In its real sense, beauty is an illumination of your soul.

— John O’Donohue

Modalities used in Beauty Ceremony:

  • This is Ancient Eastern modality that focuses on harmonizing areas of the body by targeting energetic pathways that vitalize & nourish all of our cells. This is done by lightly tapping key points on the feet, inner knee, shoulder and hand to open energetic flow. Common results include reduced stress response, improved sleep, better energy, reduced hot flashes, less pain, improved mood, more robust immune system, better concentration - to name a few. This modality is also known as inside out self care, and we agree :)

  • The Liferoot Apothecary is teeming with fresh herbs to adorn your skin. We will utilize freshly made products (without the harmful chemicals) to draw out toxins and old sebum, and then add pure botanicals to nourish the skin and nervous system.

  • When used at proper times, steam and cold therapy can rejuvenate and awaken the skin, bringing necessary nutrients, reducing inflammation and building new synapses and tissue.

  • Cold Laser uses low intensity light to treat inflamed tissue and does not generate heat. Infared light also builds collagen and smoothes tissue.

  • These therapies generate movement of lymphatic fluid, as well as bring tone and brightness to the skin.

  • A great option to give skin a fresh look as well as absorption of product into skin. Exfoliates, reduces appearance of fine lines, helps make up application as well as product application to skin.

  • Using cranial massage, pressure points and oil therapy, the vagal nerve will be calmed thus creating a nervous system reset.

  • Emerge a new relaxed, reset you!

Group Beauty Ceremony

If you would like to do a Group Beauty Ceremony for a party, gathering or retreat, reach out and we would love to host. The Ceremony is a bit different, and pricing is considerably lower per person, but the intention and products make it a beautiful time! Prices for a group of 10 start at $375.

Everything teems with richness, everything aspires to ascend, and be purified. Everything sings, celebrates, serves, develops, evolves, uplifts, aspires to be arranged in oneness.

— Abraham Isaac Kook