Our Roots
Liferoot: Established 2013
Liferoot Botanicals is located in the Hill Country of Texas. We specialize in herbal and botanical body care, garden, and organic lifestyle products.
We make all products in our apothecary, fresh, with ingredients we grow or have sourced carefully.
We have great respect for the earth, and use techniques that give back, as well as packaging that is recycled or can be reused.
Amy’s Education & Experience Held:
Brad’s Education & Experience Held:
BAS Botany & Chemistry, Certified Permaculture Design, over 20 years garden experience
About Our Products ~ A Seasonal Focus
Keeping in alignment with our mission to live and operate in a seasonal mindset, we offer products on a seasonal rotation.
Some of your faves will stay on the site year round, but many will only be offered when they are seasonally appropriate and in their botanical peak freshness. This makes sense for us, because:
Our quality standards are so high and we want the very best for your product experience!
The herbs are also so lovely to work with when they are seasonally fresh, and bring such an amazing and powerful punch to each product.
Rotating products seasonally will also insure that we are able to invest more time into each product, making it even better.
If you don’t know where to start for incorporating seasonal products into your lifestyle (and want to support your body into a more seasonal rotation) you must try our a.life.rooted seasonal box!
Our Roots
A collection of family, love, & non-toxic warriors.
A belief in a.life.rooted and how a healthy & vibrant life begin with the gifts from the Divine and the Earth.
We are regular people (some would call us eccentric, weird, out of the box, hippie la la's...and we love it all) who are passionate about helping and educating people on non-toxic lifestyles, gardening & a balanced body, mind, and soul.
We love our mini farm and all the plants and animals in it.
We usually talk to our plants (they like music too).
We say a mini prayer of love, peace, and protection over all the products that leave us to you.
We use the same products we make. We love the sun and all the wonderful energy it gives.
We love the empowerment people feel when they pick their very first fruit and veggies and tell us what it tasted like.
We love the Divine beauty and botanical wisdom spread into each plant that sits in our gardens, your gardens, our Earth.
Building Healthy Roots:
Liferoot believes that building healthy roots yields a healthy being. What are your healthy roots?
Your body... balanced. Your soul....nourished. Your mind...vibrant. Your surroundings...flourishing with plants and fresh food.
When you support these roots with the nourishment that nature gives, your tree of life (and your roots) become stronger and more resilient, creating a.life.rooted.
Lupton Family 2013, Our Founding Year
What Liferoot is..and is not…
We ARE strong in our desire for completely nourishing products for the mind, body and spirit. We are NOT a huge company trying to make sub-par products to make a buck. We ARE a company that makes our products fresh with real organic, wildcrafted ingredients from the earth. We ARE all about products that have a shelf life because they are REAL. A short shelf life is good. No harmful preservatives. We ARE a company that operates on love, grace, passion, truth, and the good people we meet.