our product line is rooted in
Keeping in alignment with our mission to live and operate in a seasonal mindset, we offer products on a seasonal rotation.
Some of your faves will stay on the site year round, but many will only be offered when they are seasonally appropriate and in their botanical peak freshness. This makes sense for us, because:
Our quality standards are so high and we want the very best for your product experience!
The herbs are also so lovely to work with when they are seasonally fresh, and bring such an amazing and powerful punch to each product.
Rotating products seasonally will also insure that we are able to invest more time into each product, making it even better.
If you don’t know where to start for incorporating seasonal products into your lifestyle (and want to support your body into a more seasonal rotation) you must try our a.life.rooted seasonal box!
Curious about the lineup? Here’s a list of our offerings by season:
We also usually have a sale at the beginning of each season, join our email list to be in the know.
*we love crafting new botanicals, so list is subject to change
Fall & Winter ~ Botanicals for Cool Weather
sore Throat Spray
Eye Advise Cream
Herbal Body Butters ~ deep hydration
Herbal Hydration salve
Respiratory Wellness Steam
Elderberry Syrup diy Kit
Feel Better Honey Tonic
Sourdough Starters (Gluten free and Regular)
Bone Broth Herbs
Rooted Cream Deodorant ~ non toxic
Spring & Summer ~ Botanicals for Warm Weather
Hello Sunshine Balm ~ herbal sunskreen
Hello Sunshine Soother Spray
Bugger Off Spray and Balm and Spray
Chlorine Detox Salve ~ for after pool time
HerbZone ~ for irritaitions, bites, stings, and rashes
Let Your Light Shine Tea
Summer Essentials Pack ~ sunskreen, bug spray/balm, herb zone, sun soother spray
Beautiful pH toner
Soul Shine Body Oil
backyard Chicken Herbs~ for nourishing your chickens
cool as a Cuke Toner