Immune Boosting Skincare Tips
By Amy Lupton
Boost Your Immune System and keep that skin glowing!
I am ALWAYS multi-tasking. Being a business owner, homesteader, mom of two teens, and all the other things that are just life… anything that could save me 5-10 minutes… you have my attention. I am also looking for some self-care time whenever I can fit it in.
This time of year, when the skin is dry and the immune system is challenged by all that’s going around, why not save some time and boost your immune system while keeping your skin nice and glowy?? And bonus, have some self-care.
Immune-Boosting Beauty Hacks!
Work on Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic drainage is a way to help the body eliminate toxins trapped in the lymph and blood. It can also improve circulation, relax the body, and combat localized fat. It is also beneficial for skin, as moving toxins helps renew skin cells.
“The Lymphatic System plays in integral role in the immune function of the body. It is the first line of defense against disease. This network of vessels and nodes transports and filters lymph fluid containing antibodies and lymphocytes (good) and bacteria (bad). The body’s first contact with these invaders signals the lymphatics, calling upon this system to orchestrate the way the infection-fighting cells prevent illness and diseases from invading microorganisms.”
_Excerpt from : _The Lymphatic System, by Lymphangiomatosis & Gorham’s Disease Alliance
In other words, lymph is super important. Because moving lymph increases circulation, any lymphatic moving activities can be super beneficial in the winter, where you might not move as much.
Here are some of our favorite ways to move the lymph in winter time!
Skin Brushing
Work it in right before you bathe. We love dry skin brushing, and all the wonderful benefits this small practice can bring. It is valuable for moving the lymphatic pathways, and keeping the skin firm and glow worthy!
It also exfoliates and brings increased circulation to the skin, thus helping in the renewal of skin cells. This is a wonderful thing in the winter especially, when dry skin needs a nourishing nudge.
Check out our blog for more benefits and free Dry Skin Brushing Guide.
Gua Sha
These little stone hand held tools can be great for helping you move the lymph. There are thousands of tutorials online helping you accomplish this, and we love Bayan Stone Gua Sha or Stainless Steel Gua Sha (especially if you are clumsy like me!).
Other Great Lymph Therapies:
Dr Perry Nickelson’s Big 6 Lymphatic Drainage Exercise. Find at Home
Jumping on a mini rebounder for 5-10 min a day
Pumping arms when you are walking! Yes the mall walkers where helping their lymph drain 😊
Our fave Lymphatic Skin Helper for winter: Your Best Body Oil
This amazing oil is infused with citrus to boost immune response on the skin and help nourish the lymphatic system. Rub in upward motion onto body and feel the energetic lift! This body oil is great for after you get out of the shower or bath.
2. Heat & Water Treatments (hot bath, steams & shower, sauna)
It’s no surprise that heat helps nourish the body and skin in the winter.
When you add botanicals into this mix, it can boost the immune system and keep the skin nourished. Here are our favorite ways to incorporate heat and water treatments into your routine:
Infared Sauna~ We love them, find them so important for health, and it is an investment for you. Read more about the benefits here, and explore our favorite sauna brand.
Epsom Salt Baths and Botanical Soaks are an easy, inexpensive way to nourish the body. The combinations are endless for illness, skin remedies, and adaptable for children of all ages. Check out our Winter Detox Bath below.
Putting a few drops of Essential Oils in the shower can be highly beneficial for your skin and respiratory system. (Its always wise to have a filter for your shower to do away with chlorine and impurities that could be affecting your families health. Aquabliss is an effective brand). A list of some oils to use for this purpose would be lavender, lemon, eucalyptus & geranium (caution geranium with babies and small children, pregnant women), frankincense, myrrh.
Facial and Respiratory Steam- Steaming can be quick, easy and super effective. A goal in herbal medicine is so get the herbs as close to what ails you as possible. A steam does just that. By inhaling the steam of purified water and herbs, you are helping the immune system. Also, the skin loves this treatment! It can help with dry, dull skin. Try our Respiratory Wellness Steam HERE:
“If you have a chronic illness, it can be vital to protect your body from getting sick. A warm bath, sauna, or steam shower can help your blood flow more easily, as well as making it more oxygenated. This can work to kill bacteria and improve your body’s immunity. If you’re already sick, hot baths, saunas, or steam shower or treatments can help you fight off continued symptoms of a cold or flu. Congestion is caused by inflammation in your nasal passages, so these can get the blood vessels in your face and nose moving better and loosen any mucus blockages. Additionally, having an overall more relaxed nervous system can make your immune system healthier, so taking regular baths, saunas, or steam showers can help you reach optimal health.” ~Makewell Medical Center
3. Massage (boost with herbs or oils) and Scrubs
Touching and moving the skin has similar benefits to skin brushing and helping the lymphatic system (see above), as well as releasing lactic acid from sore muscles, refreshing blood to a sore area, and boosting collagen production in an area.
Facial Massage can really benefit in releasing tight jaws (which have a tendency to tense up when you’re stressed), even tighten areas that might be sagging (we love Jade rollers for this).
Facial Massage in the morning can help with puffiness, tired skin and dry areas. We recommend one of our facial oils in your morning routine.
4. Herbal Teas
I like to say that anything can be solved with a cup of tea.
My husbands family is English, and thus drink tea everyday. It’s an act of slowing down, celebrating friends and family, and having a treat or two.
I love herbal tea for obvious reasons, because steeping herbs can be wonderful for immune health, supple skin, detox, emotional health… really the list is endless.
Herbal teas are inexpensive, and enter the body in a way that is gentle, yet effective. Some teas that I have on hand at all times include a mix of elderberry and echinacea (for winter woes), lemon balm, chamomile, yarrow, and peppermint.
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**I am not a medical doctor. This article is meant to inform but not prescribe, treat or otherwise, so by law I am required to tell you to always check with your physician before doing anything new to your body.