My three favorite growths this year for Liferoot:
I celebrated another trip around the sun this week! I always find myself retrospective on my birthday (especially the older I get), looking back at my year and the learning experiences it held.
How did things grow and change?
What were some of my favorite moments?
I don’t want to miss the amazing experiences and growth opportunities the Divine had and has in store for me, and this exercise always surprises me what can be and change in one year.
I do this in my personal life as well as Liferoot, but they can be interchangeable on most days. 😊 Because Liferoot is such a passion as well as a job, many times one change in one area leads to the next.
Here are three of my favorite things that we accomplished with Liferoot this year:
Hosted a three day women's retreat!
This is by far one of my favorite weekends of all time! 6 of us banded together and fed, led and retreated 34 women for two days in the Hill Country of Texas. In honor of our dear friend who passed of brain cancer, Madison, words can’t describe this weekend, and we will have more on it soon. For now, here are a few images that will be in my heart forever. Thanks to Alison Shelton for the photography. She's the best!
Rebranded Liferoot!
This year we rebranded Liferoot and gave it a new look!
Our vision was to create something that encompassed all we had to offer, including botanicals, farm goods and workshops. We started more community based projects, and opened Liferoot to embrace more local offerings such as bee rescues, CSA, and markets.
As always, we could never have done it without Lisa, she is the best! Check more of her work out here: Gentle Leaps Consulting & Design.
Started our CSA’s
This has been a dream of Brad and I for a long time to have a community support apothecary and agriculture.
We have cooked for our community for a long time, so this always seemed like a great step forward.
Our Fall CSA was wonderful, we loved it so much. We look forward to this years CSA coming in March! Check out more information here!