Best Breast Practices


“In my mother’s mirror, my breasts follow. They’re not half spheres unyielding, behaving how a man believes they ought. They shift and change, they form and function, and they’re mine.”

Joy McCullough, Blood Water Paint

The breast is such a right of passage for a girl into womanhood, a joyful adorned organ whose function is special…to produce milk for breastfeeding as part of the women’s reproductive system. They are also a source of detox and lymphatic drainage to keep us healthy. Breasts are sexual and functional, and come in so many amazing and beautiful sizes and shapes. They carry the stories of their mothers and grandmothers before them, holding life and love for generations to come.

As wonderful as they are, they can come with baggage. Breasts can be a source for lack of hormonal self-care, lymphatic stagnation (under the armpit and collarbone area), carry trauma and emotions from mothers and from childhood, and show symptoms of reproductive imbalance.

So we put together a few things so you can take care of your bestest breasts.

Be your breasts’ best friend.

  • Do a breast massage & examination once a month (or have a partner do it).

  • Listen to your body and understand to clearly be aware of your body’s unique constitution. This includes the right diet for you, stress management, sleep, and daily routines & lifestyle that make you feel healthy. If you aren’t tapped into you, hire someone to help you.

  • Avoid wearing underwire bras, overly tight bras, and try to “free” the breasts everyday to move lymphatic tissue. Especially at night.

  • Avoid antiperspirant deodorants & and aluminum products.

  • Reduce toxic load of diet, cleaners, body soaps and products, laundry detergent.

  • Look into Thermography as a substitute for Mammography.

  • Herbs that help breast tissue are dandelion, fennel, fenugreek, cinnamon, ginger, saffron, and shatavari. They help to prevent toxin buildup around the breast tissue.

  • Many practitioners have also found breast masses resolve on their own with emotional and spiritual healing. Our heart is a deep emotional center, and in addition to examining physical ailments with breast changes, examining emotional health any time breast changes arise can be helpful.

  • Additional best breast practices include: dry brushing, using natural/non toxic body products, ensuring excellent nutrition including dietary iodine and magnesium, caffeine balance (know your limit, too much can cause breast fibroids), balanced intestinal flora with fermented foods and probiotics, eating organic, real food, and only caring for your body with authentic, organic botanicals.

Breast Massage and Examination:

breast self exam

Breast massage may be performed at any point in the menstrual cycle depending on your comfort. Our breast tissue extends from the breastbone in the center of the chest to the underarms, and from below the collarbone down to the sixth or seventh rib.

 Put 10 drops of Best Breast Massage Oil on each hand and place your hands under the breasts. Massage inward and upward in a circular motion, slowly covering the entire chest. Use this time to become familiar with how your breasts feel. Breath slowly and calmly.

Best Breast Health eBook

Interested to learn more? Download our comprehensive 20 page eBook that can serve as a reference guide for all things breast health which includes supportive herbs, foods, and practices.

Best Breast Health eBook
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $9.00

Liferoot Products to Support Breast Health and Lymphatic Drainage:


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