10 Unconventional Ways to Boost the Immune System
The human body is such a wonderful and amazing creation. The immune system is such a marvel, so complex that many devote their whole lives to understanding it. As soon as an invader enters your territory, the body is already hard at work (like a small army), defending you at all costs.
Could your moldy orange be hurting the planet?
Here at Liferoot, we love to compost. We have been doing it for years, loving the amendment and nutrition it gives our plants through the soil. You might be thinking, ok I have food scraps and don’t they all break down because I am throwing it away in my trash bag? What’s the difference? Well, oxygen is the difference.
Mulching...What's the Point??
For lazy gardeners like myself, the multitude of benefits are too advantageous to not be taken advantage of. Another good use for mulch is it diminishes the chance of weeds.